Special Occasion Portraits

I love painting people – I love my job! This kind of personalised portrait of people has been a passion of mine since the age of about 10 years old – capturing the uniqueness of each person is pure joy.  We all have two eyes, a nose and a mouth – essentially we are all the same and yet we are all so different and this is what fascinates me.  How a simple curl or the mouth or a line or a sparkle in our eyes can change our appearance and make us unique.  I love painting special occasion portraits simply because it makes me so happy to paint people who are loved or in love.


Find out how to commission a portrait with Susan here.

I often have a waiting list but if you have a special occasion coming up and need your pet portrait for a specific date  I will do my best to fit you in.

You can follow my Facebook page Portraits & Fine Art by Sue Kerrigan-Harris where I post my latest work (with my customers permission).

If your portrait is a surprise for a birthday I can be very discrete so the surprise is not ruined – just let me know the date it is needed for so I can ensure there is time to complete and frame the portrait. Some framers can take up to 5 weeks to frame a painting (even longer before Christmas) so this is worth bearing in mind.

To commission a portrait email me including your photographs here or call me on 07740 282399.

Commission A Portrait

To commission a portrait, simply send me an email with your photos and I will get back to you, usually within a few hours.

Get IN Touch

+44 07740 282399



New Forest, England

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