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Thank you Sue for an excellent tutorial which was concise and easy to follow. The colours are so beautiful and it was an exciting change from doing pets. I used Mungeo soft pastels to give the sharper lime yellow tones, they’re very soft and blend well. Apart from that I used all that you recommended.

Sonia Keen

I really loved doing this one, beautiful colours. Learned some new techniques too!

Mandy Bugg

I enjoyed the variety of colours we used It wasn’t a subject I had thought about before but it was a challenge!

Jo Harvey

Going to gave another go after practising, heres mine including Puss Puss’s contribution 😂 (Tracey's cat was really interested in the tutorial on the TV screen lol)

Tracey Smallman

Well that was touger than i thought it would be. Think i will have another go with less lights! At least it got me at the easel (dining table) again 🙂

Angela Guest

Had great fun creating the Aurora Borealis from Sue's tutorial. Actually enjoyed creating the hills more than the sky.

Lorraine Metcalf

I really enjoyed the tutorial, lots of lovely colour effects and textures and a fantastic subject.

Sarah Bold

This was SUCH an information-packed tutorial. Here are some of the things I learned:

1) SLOW DOWN!!! Sometimes I get way too impatient.

2) Blending: Being aware of the effect I'm after, and use appropriate tools. There's so much information here on this. It was harder than it sounded initially, but after a lot of study and practice, it now makes way more sense. Thank goodness for the Art Chats that are available with your tutorials!
3) Contrast--ways of creating this, especially with the colours I choose.

Kay L Tomlinson

Finally got round to this tutorial. Omg it was tricky. Hate the mountains but OK with the sky...considering....

Jane Harrison

Note from Sue... Jane,  I think this is better than you think, well done!

Here's my Northern Light attempt.
I'm usually ok with blending, but this time I didn't make the transitions smooth enough. Maybe I was afraid to overblend and create mud.
Interesting though, and I wasn't aware of it until I was almost finished, is that I see parts of a face in the sky. Actually two different possibilities. I decided to leave this in... for interest.
Thanks Sue. This was really fun to do.
Olive Dodd
I wasn’t happy with the first attempt last week on the Aurora workshop so, I had another go this afternoon. Still a long way to go to understand pastels. I know I have a long way to go with pastels but I’m enjoying the journey so far.
Jo Cross

Wow this was fun, thanks Sue ❤️. I needed something to get me going again, I've not done any art for 3 months ☹️

Out of my comfort zone with this one, no fur or feathers or detail, much more abstract. I drew free hand, & no trusty pencils just soft pastels sticks to try & be looser 😮
This is the first time I've done a whole painting just with sticks, think I've overworked it in places & used up all the tooth in the pastelmat, but enjoyed the process, it's all about learning 😍
Not as vibrant as I'd like & wanted it more turquoise but I dont have the right colours & I used anthracite pastemat so maybe that's kept it darker too.

Can anyone else see a dolphin in the sky? 🤣

Janine Mount

Calling this done. Starting to fiddle with it, the route to overworking disaster. Pretty pleased with how its turned out. Really, really enjoyed this one. Thanks so much Sue for a great and very inspiring tutorial.

Pat Muddiman

Thanks Sue for a great tuition. I enjoyed doing this.
I used unison & Diane Townsend pastel. A mixture of pastel pencils.

Jill Woodhouse

Thanks Sue for the brilliant tutorial and for the step by step instructions. I didn’t have the colours you used but I just wanted to keep going. Drew free hand and had put the trees in ( maybe should have followed you) my other downfall was using white pastel mat. All tips and advice appreciated.

Barbara Scott

Finished Sue’s tutorial. I found the mountains the most challenging. I always learn a lot from tutorials, thank you Sue

Katherine Heim Anderson

To join the Aurora Borealis tutorial click here

To add your work to this gallery email Sue here

Thanks Sue for this one such a beautiful picture. I just went for this drew it by hand straight onto the paper. So slightly different to yours , not so many trees.

Barbara Scott

My first attempt at painting deep snow, and not entirely happy with it - more practice required. But love the colours and shining water.

Carol Hebden

I'm at a point with the Snowy River that I want to say it's done, I think. Could be I'm just want to finish, or I'm afraid to mess it up ! So not sure about putting in a lot of extra fine branches. For some reason, I just don't want to. Lots of detail in this one.

It's my first time doing snow, and I've learned heaps. Really enjoyed it.
Thank you Sue for a great tutorial. 😄😄

Olive Dodd

Missed the last 10 or so minutes of the tutorial today, but will have another go as not liking the tree reflections, and didn’t realise I was leaning on it while doing the trees to the left🤦🏻‍♀️but I think it’s ok, thanks again for a super tutorial Sue Kerrigan-Harris, really enjoyable xx

Tracey Smallman

Finished this beautiful snowy river scene. Decided to do it a little different, think it works! Enjoyed this one Sue! Thanks!

Mandy Bugg

Good morning everyone in the UK especially Sue. I hope you are feeling better. Today I finally completed your lesson. I have loved doing this and am looking forward to the German Shepherd one.
Kind regards from Lynn in NZ.

Lynne Waters

It’s finished (I think). The reflections in the lower half are a bit suspect, but I have really enjoyed working through this painting. It’s been rather more challenging -in a good way- than I expected, but a beautiful subject and fantastically detailed tuition. I’m slowly gaining confidence with trees and am almost ready to start working from my own photos.

Jayne Hart

Wow this one really tested me lol not perfect but I'm still happy with it and enjoyed the learning with it once again a big thank you to Sue Kerrigan-Harris and her lovely way of teaching baby orangutan all ready to start tomorrow

Gillian Riley

Gina Murray

Thank you for a great tutorial today, I did get lost in parts, also I found the pastel matte I was using grainy, I went wrong with the water, a bit like the white of her majesty, it was from a pad, so much prefer the sheets I think, I will have another go, anyway here’s my attempt 😁

Tracey Smallman

I’ve tweaked the foreground reeds a bit using conte blocks, as I find I can get a finer line with them. Other than that, I think I’ll leave it alone. I’m not sure if the gouache made the surface more grabby, but I found I had to put down a lot of pastel to cover it. (I recycled a used paper: I rinsed off a lot of the pastel, but the darker areas didn’t lift much, hence the gouache). The skyline trees are decidedly dodgy, but there is too much pastel underneath to get any definition. I wanted to go with rust and russet tones rather than anything brighter as this is what I see on the reference photo print.
I really enjoyed the tutorial. I had to drop out of the live after a couple of hours, my concentration was going and I was getting behind, so finished from the recording.
I’d like to do a bigger version of this, but will have to tackle the boats with a grid, so might put this off for a while.

Jayne Hart

Tracey Hamilton

Thanks Sue for this great tutorial. Really enjoyed this one, my struggle was with the highlights on the grass. So all helpful comments appreciated but I think I will call it finished

Barbara Scott

Enjoyed this, it was very relaxing to do. Thank you Sue.

Senga Young

I loved this tutorial. I noticed that the sky in your picture had so much light and contrast, I had to sign up for this one. My skies always look muddy to me and I loved that you went right to white and built the color on top. I’ve only taken a couple classes in the past and I’ve only seen light building on dark….and I’ve just been stuck in that, so thanks for that tip! Really made it pop! Like you said there’s always something new to learn.

Paula JB

Struggled with the wine coloured pastelmat all the way: I eventually used Panpastel for the misty layer in the middle as I was using too much tooth trying to cover the wine colour. I found the little branches quite fiddly because of the small scale. Overall, not a bad result, but I won’t buy any more wine pastelmat!

Jayne Hart

I found it challenging working so small and it had a long ugly stage. I was gentle with my sky colours (so gentle I had to put quite a bit more on as negative painting later) but I hadn’t been dark enough with my initial branches and completely lost them under the sky and had to redraw them. I really enjoyed doing this tutorial and am happy with how it finally came out.

Judith Turner

I was quite pleased with it and have framed it but, did struggle a bit with the size and made the grass a bit bright – but love it!

Shirley Tyack

This was my first try at soft pastels. I found the tutorial very helpful in learning how to use them and the pencils and how to layer and glaze. It surprised me how dabs of color and mark making play such a big role in the overall look of the piece. As a beginner I found this tutorial a perfect place to start. It’s wonderful to listen to Sue as she works and to be able to watch the video several times. Now I’m hooked!

Mary Neece McGuire

I really enjoyed doing this one, and learned so much from doing bare branches of a tree, the mist over the field, the rays of sunlight and the frost on the grass. Thanks Sue, I come away from every course having learned new techniques, and tips.

Carol Hebden

Lynn Golebiowski

To join the River Sunset Tutorial click here

To add your work to this gallery email Sue here

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