How To Clean Pastelmat

How To Clean Pastelmat There’s a popular myth that you have to start soft pastel with the best soft pastels money can buy.    (I use the best pastels money can buy because I’m creating commissions for my lovely client’s beloved family and pets.  They...
Your Art Space

Your Art Space

Space For Your Art   Hello my lovely art friends, new and old!  Today I wanted to share with you one of the most useful ways to improve your art and that is regular practice.  It’s not ground breaking or new advice lol!  But how do you go about doing regular...
Black Labrador Fur in Soft Pastel

Black Labrador Fur in Soft Pastel

Black Labrador Fur in Soft Pastel My online class members have been asking me to do a black dog fur tutorial for a while now because black dog fur can be quite a tricky effect to achieve.  However, they surprised me when I asked them this question:   “What do...